Advanced Healthcare Management

  For this assignment, please locate and review two articles—one on how to improve the quality of decision-making and one on strategies for effective communication as a leader. After reviewing the two articles, address the prompts below. Identify the main...

Problem to Solve

Problem: Controlling the resource of time. -too much on the calendar forces the organization to do too many events at a 50% proficiency rate versus doing what is important to that unit at a 90% proficiency – Creates improper planning timelines for large-scale...

Schedules of Reinforcement

Identify the reinforcement schedule for each example presented. (Enter the information into the table.) Explain how each of the four schedules work to evoke a behavior and the type of responding that results. Describe a naturally occurring reinforcement...

Controversial Treatments

Describe a controversial treatment using information from at least one reputable source. Discuss at least one pro statement that supports the use of the treatment. These may come from experts, therapists, parents, or others. Also, discuss at least one con...