The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of the Key Assignment outline completed by one of your classmates, as well as a substantial response to at least 1 other student. (See attached file)

Primary Task Response: The discussion assignment for this week will be a review of the Key Assignment Draft from other students. Your first task is to post your draft to the discussion area so that other students will be able to review your work. Attach your document to your main discussion post with the subject “Project Rationale,” and include a paragraph of 3–4 sentences describing your rationale for approaching your project problem and how you did the research to determine what type of database system to use. Include any additional notes that you feel are appropriate in the post. You are not being graded on your Key Assignment draft at this point. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of your Key Assignment.

Database System Overview

Tysa Primo

CS660 Database Systems

Colorado Technical University

Dr. John Conklin

August 11, 2024

Table of Contents Database System Overview 3 Business Environment 4 Database System Goals and Objectives Statement 4 Identified Problem Statement and How Solution Aims to resolve 5 Missions and goals fulfillment 6 Strategic Goals of the company 7 Analysis: Fulfilment of the mission and goals of the Company 9 Business Rules Enforced by the Proposed Database System 10 Entities, Attributes, Relationships and Cardinality Constraints 11 Entity Relationship Diagram 14 Analysis of how this project fulfills the mission and goals of a health food store 15 Structure Query Language (SQL) Scripts 17 DDL SQL- Create and Insert Statements 17 Create DDL 17 Insert DML 17 Report SQL – Select, Crosstab, Aggregate Function Statements 17 Analysis of how this project fulfills the mission and goals of Marc's Health Food Store 17 Database Administration (Week 4) 19 Future Database System Implementation (Week 5) 20 References 21

Database System Overview

Marc's Health Food Store operates in the competitive and rapidly evolving retail sector, specifically within the health food niche. The business environment for health food retailers is characterized by increasing consumer awareness of health and wellness, growing demand for organic and natural products, and the need for omnichannel presence to meet customer expectations.

In recent years, the retail industry has been undergoing significant digital transformation. As noted by Pantano et al. (2021), retailers faced numerous challenges and opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the adoption of digital technologies. This shift has made it crucial for businesses like Marc's Health Food Store to adapt and integrate online and offline channels to remain competitive.

The health food market is experiencing growth due to increasing health consciousness among consumers. This trend presents opportunities for Marc's Health Food Store to expand its product offerings and customer base. However, it also means facing competition from both traditional brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers specializing in health foods.

Business Environment

In this environment, providing comprehensive product information, health education, and a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels has become essential. As Grewal et al. (2020) point out, strategizing retailing in the new technology era involves leveraging data and technology to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency.

Database System Goals and Objectives Statement

The primary goal of the proposed database system for Marc's Health Food Store is to create an integrated platform that supports both in-store and online sales, enhances product information management, enforces business rules, facilitates customer education, and improves inventory management and sales tracking.

Specific objectives include:

1. Implement an online ordering system that seamlessly integrates with the existing in-store system.

2. Enhance product information management and accessibility to support customer decision-making.

3. Enforce business rules and policies consistently across all sales channels.

4. Support customer education initiatives through efficient information dissemination.

5. Improve inventory management and sales tracking to optimize stock levels and understand sales patterns.

6. Increase the customer base by 10% through improved accessibility and information.

7. Support the expansion of product category offerings.

8. Make product, health, and recipe information readily available to customers.

9. Contribute to a 5% increase in overall sales.

These goals and objectives align with current retail trends, particularly the creation of omnichannel experiences, which Mosquera et al. (2022) have shown to increase customer engagement and sales.

Identified Problem Statement and How Solution Aims to resolve

The proposed database system addresses several key business problems faced by Marc's Health Food Store:

1. Limited Online Presence: By implementing an integrated online ordering system, the store can expand its reach beyond the physical location. This addresses the problem of limited market penetration and aligns with the trend of creating omnichannel experiences (Verhoef et al., 2021).

2. Inefficient Product Information Management: The new system will enhance the store's ability to manage and present product information effectively. This solves the problem of customers lacking access to comprehensive product details, which is crucial in the health food sector where customers often require detailed nutritional information.

3. Inconsistent Business Rule Enforcement: By incorporating business rules into the database system, Marc's Health Food Store can ensure consistent application of policies, discounts, and promotions across all sales channels. This addresses the problem of potential discrepancies between online and in-store transactions.

4. Limited Customer Education Capabilities: The database system will support the storage and management of educational content such as recipes, health articles, and workshop information. This addresses the challenge of effectively disseminating health and product information to customers, which is vital in the health food industry.

5. Suboptimal Inventory Management: Improved inventory tracking and sales analysis capabilities will help the store optimize its stock levels and understand sales patterns better. This addresses the problem of potential overstocking or stockouts, which can significantly impact profitability.

6. Lack of Integrated Analytics: The new system will provide robust reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing the store to gain insights into customer behavior, sales trends, and inventory turnover. This addresses the problem of limited data-driven decision-making.

By addressing these business problems, the proposed database system positions Marc's Health Food Store to compete more effectively in the evolving retail landscape. As Akter et al. (2020) emphasize, building dynamic service analytics capabilities is crucial for success in the digital marketplace.

Missions and goals fulfillment

While Marc's Health Food Store's mission statement is not explicitly provided, we can infer from the context that the organization aims to:

1. Provide high-quality health food products

2. Educate customers about healthy living

3. Offer excellent customer service across multiple channels

Strategic Goals of the company

The proposed database system aligns with this inferred mission and the stated strategic goals in several ways:

1. Increase Customer Base by 10%

· Implementation: Online ordering system and enhanced product information accessibility

· Impact: Attracts new customers and improves shopping experience for existing ones

· Support: Xu et al. (2022) note the significant impact of e-commerce on customer acquisition and retention in brick-and-mortar retailers

2. Expand Product Category Offerings

· Implementation: Robust product catalog management capabilities

· Impact: Efficiently handles an expanded range of products

· Alignment: Grewal et al. (2020) identify this as a trend in strategizing retailing for the new technology era

3. Make Product, Health, and Recipe Information Available

· Implementation: Content management component for storing and managing diverse content

· Impact: Supports the educational aspect of the store's mission

· Alignment: Addresses increasing consumer demand for comprehensive product information in the health food sector

4. Increase Sales by 5%

· Implementation: Improved accessibility, better product information, and seamless omnichannel experience

· Impact: Contributes to sales growth goal

· Support: Mosquera et al. (2022) highlight the positive impact of technology on customer loyalty in omnichannel retail

5. Enhance Customer Experience

· Implementation: Integrated system providing a unified view of products, orders, and customer information

· Impact: Improves overall customer experience across all channels

· Alignment: Verhoef et al. (2021) emphasize the importance of omnichannel retailing in meeting customer expectations

6. Operational Efficiency

· Implementation: Improved inventory management and sales tracking capabilities

· Impact: Contributes to overall operational efficiency

· Significance: Crucial for long-term success and profitability

7. Data-Driven Decision Making

· Implementation: Reporting and analytics capabilities

· Impact: Enables more informed business decisions

· Alignment: Akter et al. (2020) discuss the trend of leveraging data for competitive advantage in retail

Analysis: Fulfilment of the mission and goals of the Company

The proposed database system for Marc's Health Food Store aligns with the organization's inferred mission and stated goals, positioning it for success in the competitive health food retail landscape. The project fulfills the organization's objectives in the following ways:

1. Supporting Health-Conscious Consumers: Provides comprehensive product information and educational content, aligning with growing health consciousness trends.

2. Omnichannel Presence: Integrates online and in-store systems, creating a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels (Verhoef et al., 2021).

3. Business Growth: Supports expanded product offerings, attracts new customers, and increases sales, contributing to growth objectives (Xu et al., 2022).

4. Customer Education: Offers content management features to educate customers about health and nutrition.

5. Operational Excellence: Improves inventory management, enforces business rules, and provides analytics capabilities (Li et al., 2020).

6. Futureproofing: Ensures scalability for future growth and technological advancements (Paul & Rosenbaum, 2020).

In conclusion, the database system development project comprehensively addresses Marc's Health Food Store's current business challenges while aligning with its mission and strategic goals. By leveraging retail technology trends and best practices, the project demonstrates a clear understanding of the unique needs of health food retailers and their customers, positioning the store for success in the evolving retail landscape.

Entity Relationship Model

Subjects of Interest (Proposed Entities)







Business Rules Enforced by the Proposed Database System

· Each product is assigned to a maximum of 1 health category.

· A person who has placed at least 1 order is a customer.

· Each order must be associated with exactly one customer.

· Employees can handle multiple orders, but each order is handled by only one employee.

· Suppliers can provide multiple products, and each product can be supplied by multiple suppliers.

· All food products must have associated nutritional information.

Entities, Attributes, Relationships and Cardinality Constraints






Cardinality Constraints


CustomerID (Char 20)

1: Many

CustomerName (Varchar50)

Can place one or more orders

1: Many

Email (Varchar100)

Phone (Varchar20)

Address (Varchar200)

DietaryPreferences (Varchar300)


OrderID (Char 20)

CustomerID (Char20)

Anyone who place at least one order


EmployeeID (Char20)

Orders must be placed via an employee


OrderDate (Date)

TotalAmount (Decimal 10,2)


ProductID (Char20)

Must have multiple suppliers


ProductName (Varchar100)

HealthCategoryID (Char20)

Must purchase one or more product

1: Many

UnitPrice (Decimal 10,2)

MinReorderLevel (INT)

IsOrganic (BOOLEAN)


EmployeeID (Char20)

Can handle multiple orders


EmployeeName (Varchar 50)

Position (Varchar 50)

HireDate (Date)

NutritionCertification (Varchar 100)


SupplierID (Char 20)

Can have multiple products


SupplierName (Varchar (100)

Can be associated to a Customer


ContactPerson (Varchar 100)

Phone (Varchar 20)

Email (Varchar 100)

OrganicCertification (Varchar 100)

Health Category

HealthCategoryID (Char20)

CategoryName (Varchar 50)

Any product purchased


Description (Varchar 200)

Order Detail

OrderDetailID (Char 20)

OrderID (Char 20)

ProductID (Char20)

Quantity (INT)

UnitPrice (Decimal 10,2)


NutritionalInfoID (Char 20)

ProductID (Char 20)

Associated to food products purchased

1: Many

Calories (INT)

Protein (Decimal 5,2)

Carbohydrates (Decimal 5,2)

Fat (Decimal 5,2)

Vitamins (Varchar 200)

Minerals (Varchar 200)

Supplier Product

SupplierProductId (Char20)

SupplierID (Char20)

ProductID (Char 20)

Must have Nutritionalinfo


SupplierPrice (Decimal 10,2)

Entity Relationship Diagram

d) Normalization:

The proposed data design adheres to the Third Normal Form (3NF) because:

1. It is in First Normal Form (1NF): All attributes contain atomic values.

2. It is in Second Normal Form (2NF): All non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the primary key.

3. It is in Third Normal Form (3NF): There are no transitive dependencies of non-prime attributes on the primary key.

Analysis of how this project fulfills the mission and goals of a health food store

1. Customer-centric approach: The Customer entity includes dietary preferences, allowing for personalized service and targeted health-conscious marketing.

2. Comprehensive product information: The Product entity, linked with HealthCategory and NutritionalInfo, provides detailed information about each item, supporting customers in making informed health choices.

3. Nutritional transparency: The NutritionalInfo entity allows the store to maintain and share detailed nutritional data for each product, a crucial aspect of a health food store.

4. Health-focused categorization: The HealthCategory entity enables the store to organize products based on health benefits or dietary requirements, facilitating customer navigation and inventory management.

5. Quality assurance: The Supplier entity includes organic certification information, helping the store verify and maintain the quality and authenticity of its products.

6. Knowledgeable staff: The Employee entity includes a NutritionCertification field, allowing the store to track and utilize staff expertise in nutrition and health foods.

7. Efficient order management: The Order and OrderDetail entities enable smooth processing of customer purchases, with links to both customers and employees for accountability.

8. Supplier relationship management: The SupplierProduct entity allows for managing relationships with multiple suppliers and comparing prices for products, ensuring the best quality and value for customers.

This streamlined database system supports the health food store's mission by focusing on the core aspects of health food retail: customer dietary needs, nutritional information, health-categorized products, and quality suppliers. It provides a solid foundation for managing key business operations while maintaining a strong emphasis on health and nutrition throughout its data structure.

Structure Query Language (SQL) Scripts

DDL SQL- Create and Insert Statements

Create DDL

Insert DML

Report SQL – Select, Crosstab, Aggregate Function Statements

Analysis of how this project fulfills the mission and goals of Marc's Health Food Store

The database system designed for Marc's Health Food Store aligns with key trends in retail technology and health food marketing. The comprehensive product management capabilities, including detailed tracking of health categories, nutritional information, and organic status, support the store's mission to provide high-quality health food products and enable informed customer choices (Grewal et al., 2020).

The customer-centric approach, facilitated by the Customers table which includes dietary preferences, allows for personalized recommendations and marketing efforts. This aligns with the growing trend of personalization in retail, which has been shown to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty (Mosquera et al., 2022).

The focus on health and nutrition, embodied in the HealthCategory and NutritionalInfo tables, reflects the increasing consumer demand for transparency in food products. The ability to analyze sales trends by health category helps the store understand and cater to customer preferences in health foods, a crucial factor in the competitive health food market (Pantano et al., 2021).

The database's support for quality assurance through supplier certification tracking, employee expertise management, sales and inventory optimization, and customer insights generation all contribute to operational efficiency. These features enable data-driven decision-making that aligns with the store's mission of promoting healthy living through quality products and customer education.

In conclusion, this database system provides Marc's Health Food Store with the tools to manage its operations efficiently while maintaining a strong focus on health, nutrition, and customer service. It positions the store to meet the evolving demands of health-conscious consumers in an increasingly digital retail landscape.

Database Administration (Week 4)

Future Database System Implementation (Week 5)


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Customers Orders Products NutritionalInfo HealthCategory Supplier Employee SupplierProduct OrderDetail CustomerID CHAR (20) FK PK CustomerName VARCHAR(50) FK PK OrderID CHAR (20) FK PK ContactPhone VARCHAR (20) FK PK TotalAmount DECIMAL (10,2) FK PK CustomerID CHAR (20) FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK ProductName VARCHAR(100) FK PK HealthCategoryID CHAR (20) FK PK UnitPrice Decimal (10,2) FK PK MinReorderLevel INT(10) FK PK NutritionID (CHAR20) FK PK NutritionalInfoID CHAR (20) FK PK Calories VARCHAR (140) FK PK Proteins DECIMAL (5,2) FK PK Carbohydrates DECIMAL (5,2) FK PK HealthCategoryID CHAR (20) FK PK CategoryName VARCHAR (50) FK PK Description VARCHAR (200) FK PK SupplierID CHAR (20) FK PK SupplierName VARCHAR (100) FK PK Phone VARCHAR (20) FK PK ContactEmail VARCHAR (100) FK PK DietaryPreferences VARCHAR (300) FK PK ContactPerson VARCHAR (100) FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK OrderDate DATE FK PK EmployeeID CHAR (20) FK PK CustomerAddress VARCHAR (200) FK PK IsOrganic BOOLEAN FK PK Fat DECIMAL (5,2) FK PK Vitamins VARCHAR (200) FK PK Minerals VARCHAR (200) FK PK EmployeeID CHAR (20) FK PK EmployeeName VARCHAR (50) FK PK Position VARCHAR (50) FK PK HireDate DATE FK PK NutritionalCertification VARCHAR (100) FK PK Email VARCHAR (100) FK PK OrganicCerification VARCHAR (100) FK PK SupplierProductID CHAR (20) FK PK SupplierID CHAR (20) FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK SupplierPrice DECIMAL (10,2) FK PK OrderDetailID CHAR (20) FK PK OrderID INT FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK Quantity INT FK PK UnitPrice DECIMAL (10,2) FK PK M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4



Customers Orders Products NutritionalInfo HealthCategory Supplier Employee SupplierProduct OrderDetail CustomerID CHAR (20) FK PK CustomerName VARCHAR(50) FK PK OrderID CHAR (20) FK PK ContactPhone VARCHAR (20) FK PK TotalAmount DECIMAL (10,2) FK PK CustomerID CHAR (20) FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK ProductName VARCHAR(100) FK PK HealthCategoryID CHAR (20) FK PK UnitPrice Decimal (10,2) FK PK MinReorderLevel INT(10) FK PK NutritionID (CHAR20) FK PK NutritionalInfoID CHAR (20) FK PK Calories VARCHAR (140) FK PK Proteins DECIMAL (5,2) FK PK Carbohydrates DECIMAL (5,2) FK PK HealthCategoryID CHAR (20) FK PK CategoryName VARCHAR (50) FK PK Description VARCHAR (200) FK PK SupplierID CHAR (20) FK PK SupplierName VARCHAR (100) FK PK Phone VARCHAR (20) FK PK ContactEmail VARCHAR (100) FK PK DietaryPreferences VARCHAR (300) FK PK ContactPerson VARCHAR (100) FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK OrderDate DATE FK PK EmployeeID CHAR (20) FK PK CustomerAddress VARCHAR (200) FK PK IsOrganic BOOLEAN FK PK Fat DECIMAL (5,2) FK PK Vitamins VARCHAR (200) FK PK Minerals VARCHAR (200) FK PK EmployeeID CHAR (20) FK PK EmployeeName VARCHAR (50) FK PK Position VARCHAR (50) FK PK HireDate DATE FK PK NutritionalCertification VARCHAR (100) FK PK Email VARCHAR (100) FK PK OrganicCerification VARCHAR (100) FK PK SupplierProductID CHAR (20) FK PK SupplierID CHAR (20) FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK SupplierPrice DECIMAL (10,2) FK PK OrderDetailID CHAR (20) FK PK OrderID INT FK PK ProductID CHAR (20) FK PK Quantity INT FK PK UnitPrice DECIMAL (10,2) FK PK M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4 M1 M2 M3 M4